søndag den 26. juli 2009

The Secret Value for Money trick...

I have been talking about this for what seems like ages and it's as simple and usefull as water and sunshine for a flower. It's just there. This is my secret value for money trick and today...it's free.

"Why should I hire you when I can get this other guy a lot cheaper?" I get that a lot and it's not like I'm expensive...cause I'm not, but there are those out there who are a lot cheaper but here is the calculation you need. Are you ready? This is major:

The secret Value for money trick:

Guy/girl # 1 = Cheap
Guy/girl # 2 = Fair price

Now if you book G1 you will get lets say 5 days work and the price will be... cheap
If you book G2 your price will be more, BUT (get ready) the days might only be 3 days... because if you pay more - you usually get more...and faster and better....so if you get 5 times cheap...well that might be the same price as 3 days fair price and the end result will also be better and spot on and therefore - on top on the same price - you'll get value instead of money out the window and a redo or just no respons from your consumer at all.

The lesson here is value for money is not always getting the cheapest deal... but the best deal. So think smart and call me...

2 kommentarer:

K sagde ...

You should hand out laminated cards with that equation.

The Mark sagde ...

Hahahaha or on the back of my businesscard...